Sullivan County > Jeffersonville

County: Sullivan

Population: 368

School districts: Sullivan West Central School District

Libraries: Jeffersonville Branch, Western Sullivan Public Library

Emergency services: Jeffersonville Volunteer First Aid Corps, Jeffersonville Fire Company

Fraternal organizations: American Legion

Not-for-profit cemeteries: Lutheran Cemetery of Jeffersnvle

Recent grants:

Jeffersonville Fire District
  Federal Emergency Management Agency  -  Washington, DC  -  $62,938  (2023)

  Gerry Foundation  -  Liberty, NY  -  $3,300  (2021)

Sullivan West Central School District
  Beaverkill Foundation  -  Liberty, NY  -  $2,000  (2021)

Sullivan West Central School District
  Gerry Foundation  -  Liberty, NY  -  $4,500  (2021)

Largest nonprofits in Jeffersonville (by assets) include:

Salvatore & Alice Federico Charitable Art Trust
Eddie Adams Workshop Organization
Weekend of Chamber Music
Jeffersonville Volunteer First Aid Corps
American Federation of Teachers